Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • Politics in the military

    Military and civilian employees of the Air Force are subject to special restrictions when it comes to partisan political activity. While we are encouraged to participate in the democratic process, we must be careful to do so within the rules set by Federal law as well as Department of Defense and

  • Safety tips for critical days of summer

    Winter clothes are packed away, children will soon be home for summer break, and more people will likely be outdoors. While many look forward to the summer; historically, there is potential for increased mishaps and accidents. The Department of Defense designated May 23 through Sept. 2, as the time

  • New lightning warning areas

    The 45th Space Wing is scheduled to roll out an innovative new lightning warning process May 15. The new warning areas optimize the balance between personnel safety, operational downtime, and resource protection for Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy Space Center. The new

  • ‘Adapt or Perish’

    If you have deployed to Afghanistan, I suspect you would agree when I say that the motto: adapt or perish; truly captures the general tone of the deployment. Essentially, the phrase provides a level of leadership expectation and guidance as threats of insurgency are real, and failure to adapt could

  • From security forces to ground safety

    Thirteen years...That is how long I've spent patrolling the streets as a security forces member. I've written tickets, made arrests and saved lives. I was great at my job.I have always wanted to work in public safety so when the opportunity presented itself to change career fields I knew I made the

  • What can you optimize?

    What can you optimize? This month, the Innovate Now Team asks you to take a minute to look at your processes. How can you optimize them? How can you shave off a second or polish every action just a little more? How can you automate small tasks that can add up to time and money savings? I encourage

  • Family, standards, teamwork: A trio of balance

    Greetings, Sharks! What an honor it is for me to be selected as the 45th Space Wing's command chief, and even more fortunate that my family and I get to remain on Florida's beautiful Space Coast for a little while longer.This is an extremely exciting time for my family and me, and I hope I will have

  • 5th SLS: Vital to 45th SW mission success

    After almost three years in the 5th Space Launch Squadron I've become well versed on the vital role we are assigned in supporting the spacelift mission of our country. However, in discussions with other members of Team Patrick-Cape, it's evident that many of our Airmen and mission partners are not

  • was an honor

    What a wonderful assignment! By far the best Emily and I have experienced in our 28 years serving this great nation. It's been an honor and a privilege to have served as command chief for 45th Space Wing and working with the tremendously talented men and women at Team Patrick-Cape. Emily and I

  • Got novel ideas?

    Have you empowered yourself and fellow teammates yet? Have you embraced and fostered a creative way of thinking to bring about extraordinary initiatives? What are you waiting for? The world is constantly evolving and filled with unique individuals who are willing to change our culture for the