Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


If your question relates specifically to United States Space Force, see the USSF Questions section. If you have a question which is not addressed here, you may find the answer by visiting the Questions page of Air Force Link. If you have a general military question, refer to the Department of Defense Frequently Asked Questions page.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Expand List item 3237Collapse List item 3237  Can I fly a Drone near Patrick Space Force Base and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida? 

Information about Drones can be found on the Federal Aviation Administration website.

Expand List item 4073Collapse List item 4073  Can the public watch launches?
The public is welcome to watch any launch; however, there are no open/public viewing facilities at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station due to the location of our launch facilities and safety concerns. Launches may be viewed along the majority of the beach areas in Brevard County. There is no launch viewing at the south gate of Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The following are a few public viewing locations:

-State Road 528 or the Beach Line Expressway, the commuter road from Orlando to Titusville. Approaching Port Canaveral, a view of the launch pads on Cape Canaveral Space Force Station may be seen from the Indian and Banana Rivers. It is recommended that anyone wishing to view a launch from SR 528 find a safe location where traffic will not be impeded.

-Off State Road A1A along the Atlantic Ocean in Cocoa Beach.

-Along the Indian River on U.S. Highway 1, between SR 405 and 402 (near Titusville). 

-Boaters viewing launches should tune to Channel 16 VHF-FM for instructions from the Coast Guard pertaining to restricted areas. The Coast Guard will patrol those areas in the rivers and offshore in the Atlantic Ocean. Boaters will not be permitted north of marker 15 on the Banana River (where the high wires cross the river). Boaters may not enter the southern part of Mosquito Lagoon (past the Haulover Canal). However, the canal, part of the Intracoastal Waterway, will remain open to traffic. Boaters may not set foot on any land that is part of Cape Canaveral Space Force Station or Kennedy Space Center.

Note: The sites are suggestions only; there are other locations to watch launches.


Expand List item 101Collapse List item 101  Frequently Asked Questions about Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida

Can a military retiree or the public visit Cape Canaveral's cultural and historical resources?

Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is a restricted-access area and not open to the general public. 

Doesn't the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station belong to NASA?

No. Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, the site of many historic launches, is a detachment of Patrick Space Force Base and is the East Coast space launch facility for the Department of Defense. NASA owns the Kennedy Space Center, which is in Merritt Island, Florida, next to Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. 

Is the Cape ever open to the public?

Due to a heightened security posture it is uncertain when this may happen again. Space Launch Delta 45 does not offer tours of Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Who is eligible to get on Cape Canaveral Space Force Station?

Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is a restricted-access area and not open to the public. Only personnel with a CAC are authorized access. DoD and/or military ID cards, such a dependent and military retiree ID card do not qualify. For more information call Cape Canaveral Space Force Station 45th Security Forces Squadron at 321-853-5261 or 321-494-1110.
Expand List item 100Collapse List item 100  Frequently Asked Questions about Launches
Do most of the rockets launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station carry classified satellites?
No. In fact, the lion's share of our launches are not classified. Only certain missions are classified in the interest of national security.


What type of rockets does the Space Force launch?

The Space Force launches Delta IV, Atlas V, and Falcon 9 vehicles from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. 


Why are these rockets launched?

Most rockets launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station carry military and commercial satellites. A few carry scientific satellites and other types of payloads for NASA.


With the end of the "Cold War" why is the military launching satellites?

The military uses space systems for navigation, weather, communications and reconnaissance purposes. Even with the end of the Cold War, the need for these systems continues to support worldwide military contingencies. Space systems are in use by troops deployed in Southwest Asia, on relief operations and other military deployments across the globe. Space systems are an integral part of the Space Force's philosophy of "Global Engagement."
Expand List item 3261Collapse List item 3261  How do I apply for a job at Patrick Space Force Base and/or Cape Canaveral Space Force Station?
Expand List item 3241Collapse List item 3241  How do I contact the Transition Assistance Program for those leaving military service or retiring from service and are interested in career opportunities in the civilian sector?

We recommend working through your local workforce board who has Veteran Affairs representatives employed on site who provide direct employment assistance. You may also wish to contact the Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Sponsorship opportunity if your company is interested in connecting with/supporting the base community. 

Expand List item 3260Collapse List item 3260  How do I contact the Law Enforcement Desk at Patrick Space Force Base?

The Law Enforcement Desk Section is responsible for managing the communications and task assignments for available Law and Order assets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be reached at 321-494-2000 or 321-494-2008.

Expand List item 2926Collapse List item 2926  How do I contact with the Space Launch Delta 45 Historian? 
Expand List item 2925Collapse List item 2925  How do I join the United States Space Force?
Expand List item 3918Collapse List item 3918  How do I renew my new ID Card?
Expand List item 2924Collapse List item 2924  May I purchase patches, coins, and souvenirs?

The DOD cannot provide official items but several private companies exist to meet your needs. You may use your Internet browser's search engine to find the appropriate one.

Expand List item 3131Collapse List item 3131  What credentials do I need to access Patrick Space Force Station, Florida? 

For the most-up-to-date information, call the Pass & ID/Visitor Center at Patrick Space Force Base at 321-494-0427. Click here for Base Directory.

Expand List item 4131Collapse List item 4131  Where can I find an archive copy of old Department of Defense videos, publication, new, audio, photos, and visual information?

All current and archived public released Department of Defense imagery which includes, news, images, audio, and publications from military operations around the world can be searched on sites such as Defense Visual Information Distribution Services, or DVIDS, and/or Defense Imagery Management Operations Center, or DIMOC


Expand List item 4149Collapse List item 4149  Where can I find assistance regarding Trademarking the Air Force and Space Force logo for use?