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DOD participation in public engagements

DOD/Armed Forces Participation in Public Engagements

Updated on July 18, 2024

Request for DOD/Armed Forces Participation in Public Events Form (Non-Aviation) 

Use this form to request a National Anthem Singer, STEM Judge, Drill Competition Judge, K-9 Demo, Represent in a Parade, Science Fair Judge, and/or DOD Equipment for participation in Public Events. One form should be filled out for each request being made. In other words, if you are requesting a STEM Judge and a National Anthem Singer at the same event then you will submit two forms. Honor Guard requests can be submitted at a separate link by clicking here. Requests will be evaluated in accordance with the DODI 5410.19 Community Outreach - Policy Overview & Evaluation Procedures - Vol 1 (CAO Sept 2021). 


  • You cannot save information on the form and come back to it later. Allow yourself 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • Submitting this request constitutes that you have read, understand, and agree to the following.
  1. This form should be submitted not less than 45 days in advance of a scheduled program. Final determination will occur no earlier than 90 days in advance. Please realize that all Armed Forces units have specific military missions and training requirements. Participation in public programs will only be authorized when such support is in the best interests of the DOD and the Military Services and does not interfere with mission or training programs. In all cases, operational commitments must take priority and can cause previously scheduled appearances to be cancelled.
  2. Submitting this request does not guarantee participation.
  3. In order to be considered, I must answer each question on this application. I understand that my request will not be processed until each question is answered. Unanswered questions will result in a delay and are subject to disapproval.
  4. I will spell out each acronym.
  5. DOD Participation is subject to last-minute cancellation due to mission requirements with little-or- no notice. A back-up plan is highly recommended.
  6. I certify I am 18 years old or older.
  7. I am acting on behalf of the requesting organization and certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that representatives from the military services will contact me to discuss arrangements and costs involved prior to final commitments, or to inform me of their inability to support this event. I also understand that operational commitments must take priority and can preclude a scheduled appearance at an approved public activity.

Tenant Unit Contact Information

Tenant Unit






Space Systems Command 

SSC/AATS - Assured Access to Space




      U.S. Space Force 



920th Rescue Wing at Patrick Space Force Base


U.S Air Force/Aircraft


333rd Recruiting Squadron at Patrick Space Force Base       U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force Recruiting  321-494-9361

Air Force Technical Applications Center at Patrick Space Force Base


U.S. Air Force/STEM


Defense Equal Opportunity Military Institute at Patrick Space Force Base      

Equal Opportunity School House  321-494-6208
Naval Ordnance Test Unit at Port Canaveral - Includes Color Guard Requests       U.S. Navy  321-853-1200
Coast Guard at Port Canaveral        U.S. Coast Guard  321-868-4200

DOD/Armed Forces Participation in Public Engagement




Part I: Sponsor Criteria


Part I, Section 2: Non-Federal/State/Local Agency Government Requests

Does the requesting/sponsoring organization fit into any of the categories below? Select Yes or No.


Part I, Section 2: (Continued)

Does the requesting/sponsoring organization fit into any of the categories below? Select Yes or No.


Part II: Activity Criteria


Part II: (Continued)

Does the event fit into any of the categories below? Select Yes or No.


Part II: (Continued) Is event a parade, fair, festival, or similar public celebration?

If YES, Does it fit any of the categories below? (Cat 2-5 must also have a distinct patriotic or military-related component.) If NO, STOP Here. Event is NOT eligible for support.


Part II: (Continued)


Are ALL of these statements True? Only if cost applies.


Part II: (Continued)


Part II: (Continued) Fundraisers may be eligible for support only if all criteria below are met. Select Yes or No.

DoD participation in fundraising events sponsored by businesses or business related organizations, including nonprofit NFEs and sports organizations, is not necessarily prohibited.

Part III: Site Criteria


Is the event taking place at a site or venue that fits one of these categories?




DOD Representative


Event Data





Refreshments | Cuisine | Delectables


Dress Code



Tag Up Call / Meeting

For Internal Use Only