Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • Bold leadership

    When you hear that someone is a bold leader does it conjure images of big, charismatic, larger-than-life personalities? Or, do you think of someone who is driven, a visionary, or having a take-no-prisoners approach to accomplishing goals? We think we are just average Joes trying to make a living and

  • Change + Innovation = 100% mission success

    Whether we notice it or not, change happens around us every day. Change can be anything ranging from those PCSing in your work center, to promotions or even menu items at The Alley. It is everywhere and we as a culture embrace it, which is what makes us the greatest and most agile Air Force in the

  • AFSPC commander sends Independence Day greeting

    Air Force Space Command Team,This 4th of July marks the 238th anniversary of our Nation's independence. As you spend the holiday with family and friends, I ask you to take time to reflect on the individual liberties for which the brave men and women of our great Nation fought and died--life, liberty

  • Happy Birthday, America!

    The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! It is a time to celebrate our great Nation's unique history filled with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.As we enjoy our Nation's festivities, we should also reflect on the debt we owe to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice when

  • A sexual assault survivor's view: The end

    Editor's note: This is the final of an eight-part series about sexual assault awareness.I have looked into my rapist's eyes. I had tried to imagine what it would be like to actually see my rapist again. I knew I would have to see him at the Article 32 hearing. I would have to see him and identify

  • Words to lead by

    There is some debate over what is officially the longest word in the English language. For the purpose of this commentary, let's use: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis; a medical term defined as a lung disease caused by inhaling fine ash or sand dust. The word is a 45-character,

  • Innovate Now: 6-month project status

    Action: June is action month; which means it is the midpoint to evaluate progress such as how ideas are submitted, processed, followed-up on and implemented.It has been a busy six months. The Innovate Now project team successfully kicked off the project in January, bringing a process online within

  • What does the LRS do?

    I've been asked numerous times, what my squadron I figured I'd use my five minutes of fame to explain how my squadron supports you. The mission of the 45th Logistics Readiness Squadron is to execute expeditionary operations for the 45th Space Wing and its mission partners by providing