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Request a speaker

Speaking Engagements

Updated on Oct. 17, 2024

Important: After you click on "Submit", scroll to the BOTTOM of the page. If you see an asterisk*, you need to go back through the form and answer the questions that *requires information to process. 

Thank you for your interest in the Space Launch Delta 45’s Speaking Engagement Outreach Program at Patrick Space Force Base and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida.

If you would like to request a Space Launch Delta 45 launch mission overview and update, you may fill out the form and submit no later than 45+ days from your desired date of your speaking engagement. Because the Speaker's Bureau is a volunteer program, we DO NOT guarantee that all requests will be filled. We recommend creating a back-up plan to secure an alternate speaker in the event we need to cancel.

Requests submitted outside of the 45-day window may not be considered. If you are unable to meet the 45-day requirement, consider choosing an alternate date or reach out to one of our Mission Partner / Tenant Unit outlined below.

Our goal is to establish the needs of your audience and then match those needs with a qualified speaker and/or a subject matter expert. Be as detailed as possible and understand we require ample time to properly arrange, coordinate, and approve a subject matter expert speaker for your engagement. While we understand that the form is lengthy, it assists our Space Launch Delta 45 team in meeting your expectations and makes for a memorable engagement. We take immense pride in being detailed and thorough.

By submitting this form, you understand the following:

  1. You cannot save information on the form and come back to it later. Allow yourself 20-25 minutes to fill out.
  2. You are required to fill out one form per each speaker’s request. For example, if you have two separate requests for two separate panels, then you need to submit two separate request forms.
  3. The requestor must fill out the form. A third-party requestor will not be accepted and should not fill out this form on behalf of another organization.
  4. If you have NOT received a response that we have received your submission within 5 duty days, call 321-494-7731 or email to ensure we have received your request. Unanswered questions will result in a delay and is subject to disapproval.

If you would like to request one of our Mission Partners/Tenant Unit Contact:

Mission Partners/Tenant Unit Contact: Brief Branch Website Email  Phone
Secretary of the Air Force’s Public Affairs Office  (SAF/PA) U.S. Air Force Contact Us Unavailable
Space Systems Command (SSC) U.S. Space Force  SSC/Public Affairs Community Outreach 310-653-3145
Space Systems Command - Assured Access to Space (SSC/AATS) U.S. Space Force SSC/Public Affairs Community Outreach 310-653-3145
Space Systems Command - Launch Execution Systems (SSC/AA) U.S. Space Force SSC/Public Affairs Community Outreach 310-653-3145
Space Systems Command - Servicing and Maneuver (SSC/AAA) U.S. Space Force SSC/Public Affairs Community Outreach 310-653-3145
Space Systems Command  (SSC/LE) U.S. Space Force SSC/Public Affairs Community Outreach 310-653-3145
Space Systems Command (SSC/S3) U.S. Space Force SSC/Public Affairs Community Outreach 310-653-3145
Space Training and Readiness Command  (STARCOM) U.S. Space Force 719-552-2371
Air Force Technical Applications Center at Patrick Space Force Base (AFTAC) U.S. Air Force/STEM Click on "Contact Us" under AFTAC website 321-494-7688
333rd Recruiting Squadron at Patrick Space Force Base  (RSC) U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force Recruiting  Find an Air Force Recruiter Near Me - U.S. Air Force 321-494-9361
920th Rescue Wing at Patrick Space Force Base (RQW) U.S. Air Force/Aircraft  Contact Us  321-494-0550
Defense Equal Opportunity Military Institute at Patrick Space Force Base (DEOMI) Equal Opportunity School House 321-494-2853
Naval Ordnance Test Unit at Port Canaveral (NOTU) U.S. Navy 321-853-1200
Coast Guard at Port Canaveral  (UCG) U.S. Coast Guard MSU Canaveral Click on "Contact Us" under UCG website 321-868-4200
Air Force Agency for Modeling & Simulation, Orlando (AF/A3) U.S. Air Force  Contact Us 407-208-5800


Click to see appropriate attire options for our service member to align with your audience - See Dress Attire Section (below).

Speaking Engagement Request Form



Dress Attire Options

Match dress/attire to your guests - Scroll to Instructions (Above) and click on "Table of Service Equivalent Uniforms" Chart to see attire definitions.


1. Working Uniform

2. Service Uniform

3. Ceremonial Uniform

4. Formal and Dinner Dress Uniform


Sequence of Events






Sponsor's Organization




Speech Topic

U.S. Space Force mission overviews, such as “Tell us about the Space Force” should be requested through the Pentagon:







Speaker's Options

Fill out one form per each speaker’s request. For example, if you have two separate requests for two separate panels, then you need to submit two separate request forms.


1. Speech Presentation

A formal communication delivered orally to an audience. It involves a speaker addressing an audience on a particular topic, idea, or message, with the intention of informing and educating.


2. Panel Discussion / Roundtable

A format of public speaking where multiple speakers, typically experts in a particular field or topic, engage in a moderated conversation in front of an audience and subject to a Q&A.


3. Professional Career Chat

Professional Career Chat is geared toward high school students, college students, JROTC, ROTC, and CAP. We encourage you to reach out to a recruiter or


4. Breakout Session

5. Fireside Chat

A personal and interactive discussion involving a moderator and guest(s), in which the audience can gain insight through the guest’s personal expierences and thoughts on various topics.






Event Data












Dress Rehearsal/Dry Run




Scroll to the bottom and Click on Submit - Important: After you click on the "Submit", scroll to the bottom of the page. If you see an asterisk*, you need to go back through the form and answer the questions that requires information to process.

For Internal Use Only