Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • LGBT: Take 'Pride'

    Earlier this month, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation declaring June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender month.The proclamation notes the progress across the nation toward marriage equality and the steps taken toward protections for transgender Americans. The Department of Defense

  • This is where you come in; it’s time to speak up

    I recently saw an article on the Air Force web page that particularly grabbed my attention. Entitled "Airmen can change how the Air Force does business," the article went into great detail about a relatively new program and idea that I have foot stomped for a long, long time around here.As you know,

  • Good to be back! – Let’s be ‘Summer Smart’

    Hello Team-Patrick Cape! It's good to be back from attending a joint professional military education program, designed for 1-star generals and admirals from all service components, which is known as CAPSTONE.While it was a great learning experience, it feels good to be back home where I get the

  • Lessons of command

    As I near the end of my two years as commander of the 45th Launch Support Squadron, I take more and more time to reflect on the experience. I underestimated just how much I would learn while in the seat. In fact, it's possible I've learned more in the past two years than I have over the other 16

  • Ethical rules for gift giving among government personnel

    Permanent change of station season is approaching and offices may ask for donations for going-away gifts for government employees and military members. Despite the desire to be gratuitous, you should be mindful that there are ethical rules and guidelines that must be followed when asking for

  • People provide the vision

    (Editor's Note: This commentary is May's submission and is part of a monthly series from Innovate Now! Team) Ideas for innovation come from your wisdom, experience, and fit into the future vision by creating it. Never before has leadership been so open to your innovative solutions.

  • Really proud to be an American

    We live in the best country on the planet. How do I know this? It's more than just a hunch.Over the past five weeks, I had the distinct honor and privilege to attend a joint professional military education program known as CAPSTONE. The course is designed for 1-star generals and admirals from all

  • AFPSC commander sends Memorial Day safety message

    Memorial Day weekend is the first big weekend of the summer. It is my hope that this Memorial Day finds you and your families safe, healthy and happy, which is why this year's AFSPC Critical Days of Summer goal is zero fatalities. One life lost, one severe injury, is too much. In order to heighten

  • Enhancing battlefield control for the nation

    I write this commentary on the eve of yet another successful launch, this time a Delta IV carrying a GPS satellite. Every time we launch a payload, I see the men and women of the 45th Space Wing demonstrating the utmost professionalism in executing their mission. In fact, we execute it so well,

  • Winning with people: Play the cards you were dealt

    It took me quite a while to understand how the adage: "play with the cards you were dealt" had anything to do with supervision. A smart person may think it means using their employees where they can contribute the best. However, putting that into action with my staff was nearly impossible.Senior