Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • 80/20 Rules

    Many of you are familiar with Pareto's Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This principle can be applied universally to a number of different situations, but application relating to this article roughly translates to 80% of an organization's personnel challenges are generated by 20% of its people. In

  • New Year...New You?

    The hectic holiday season has passed, and by now you're wondering what to do with all of your post-holiday free time. One option is to go back to your old and comfortable routines of 2012, or you can make it a personal challenge to better yourself this year by achieving new goals. Goals can range

  • Homework for 2013: Learn 'Your' History

    History can be fun. There are many things to like about it. Learning history can provide powerful lessons from the past and lead to improvement. Being a student of history can also help one with writing papers, having interesting conversations at dinner parties, or winning the Daily Double on

  • Inexcusable in our Air Force

    Earlier this month, Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, the Air Force Chief of Staff, sent a memo to all commanders and command chiefs deploring the number of sexual assaults. With the expected numbers to be in the neighborhood of 700 this year alone, he is demanding leaders to get personally involved to stem

  • ORI, Time to Prepare

    When is the last time you were on a convoy travelling through Afghanistan, or needed to apply self aid and buddy care skills after an enemy attack? For many personnel assigned to Patrick these are scenarios that we have had to face all too often, and the old adage holds true 'the more you sweat in

  • Do They Know You Care?

    The events of the recent Wingman Day were an effort to build resiliency and allow us as commanders to reach out to each to our Airman and let them know that we care for and are concerned about them. Aside from the Air Force requiring we take out time to focus on personal care and resiliency, do the

  • Finding your Balance

    As a commander and throughout my Air Force career, I have observed a lot. One thing that I've noticed is that our people sometimes need help finding a way to achieve balance in their lives. Some questions they are trying to answer are, "How do I balance needs of my spouse and needs of the Air

  • Remembering Those Who Served Before Us

    Every November 11th, our great nation celebrates the tremendous men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. As we observe Veterans Day this Sunday, remember their sacrifices and continue to be inspired by their service. This Veterans Day, we should especially remember those Americans who are

  • The Power of Your AF Family

    On behalf of all the women and men of Team Patrick-Cape, I would like to offer our sincere condolences to the Scott Family as they grieve the loss of their little Carsyn last week. Brian mentioned to me that he didn't realize what it meant to be part of the Air Force family until this tragedy struck

  • Personal Accountability is a two-way street

    As Airmen we've learned and experienced many styles and concepts of leadership. The prevailing mantra throughout all of them has been "take care of your people." Leaders and commanders at every level must ensure their people have the tools they need, both in and out of work, to get the mission done