Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • Freedom is not free this July Fourth

    The Fourth of July is our greatest celebration of freedom and the words "Freedom is not free" have extra-special meaning this year as we surge into the fifth year of war in Iraq.As with any war, this conflict has brought with it high costs in terms of sacrifice and loss. Fortunately, we have not

  • Looking back, looking forward

    This week marks my first anniversary as 45th Space Wing commander. It has certainly been a gratifying year as I review the accomplishments of the Sharks! We've had 15 launches on the Eastern Range during this time frame, including four shuttle missions to the ISS, two Delta II Global Positioning

  • Mental readiness... the warrior's vow

    As men and women charged with defending our country, we have a responsibility to maintain readiness in every area of our lives -- our equipment, our training, our attitudes, and even our minds. Mental readiness is the most important, for, without it, all other readiness is ineffective. While there

  • Meeting our challenges

    Greetings! I would like to thank the entire Wing and our Mission Partners for the hard work to help send off the Space Shuttle last week - and for what you are about to do to send off the Atlas V launch late this week! I sense that our 'dry spell' is over, and that the launches will now come at us

  • Good order and discipline -- boiling down the facts

    All military people abide by good order and discipline, right? What I don't know is how disciplined we are with the smaller things in life that become big things if we let them. Managing money is one of those things. If you let small over expenditures accumulate, the resulting debt can wreak havoc

  • Staying fit to fight critical

    Experiencing weightlessness is one of the great things about living on the International Space Station and flying on the Space Shuttle. Such is not the case back on Earth. Here, gravity and Air Force fitness standards remind us that pounds count.Because staying fit to fight is critical in our

  • What type of leader are you?

    What type of leader are you? I've been encouraged at several points throughout my career to "cast my net widely" and actively pursue a professional reading repertoire. It was in a reading club where we read a book called "The Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell (Little, Brown and Com-pany, 2002) and

  • Honor our heroes...

    With Sunday's tragic news that seven U.S. servicemembers were killed in Iraq Saturday, Memorial Day took on a more somber and personal meaning to the friends and families of those young American heroes. Those seven are among the almost 3,500 American troops who have died in the Iraq War and the

  • Keeping faith on Memorial Day

    My earliest memories go back to the mid-1930s when while shopping downtown with my mother, I would see men in store entrances holding out canisters to accept coins and affix paper flowers to the shopper's collars.I later learned from my mom that these men were World War I veterans collecting money

  • Reserved for the best

    Who says lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place? With Staff Sgt. Clinton Petit's selection as Air Force Reserve Command's Airman Individual Mobility Augmentee of the Year, our wing has two Airmen competing as finalists for a spot as one of our Air Force's 12 Outstanding Airmen of the