Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • Don't let deployments catch you by surprise

    Deployments rarely catch us by surprise. Typically, we have time to react, adjust our thinking and formulate a survival plan. Those remaining behind must adjust, yet we often simply react with little or no forethought given to our survival plan.Each member of the wing may be impacted as we watch

  • Let's make the FY07 close-out a success

    Sharks, as we come to the close of another fiscal year, I want to commend you on your stewardship in managing our fiscal year 2007 budget. Although, FY 07 officially ends Sept. 30, we are looking at a "soft" closeout date of Sept. 21. The soft closeout provides the Financial Management community,

  • NORTH STAR helps take care of people and mission

    The last time I wrote an article for the Missileer, I shared my belief in the motto of "Mission First - People Always." I also believe that the psychological well-being of our personnel and their families directly impacts mission effectiveness.Stress, whether personal, work place or relationship

  • Take well-deserved breathers

    The Labor Day holiday weekend symbolizes the end of summer and is the time set aside to honor our nation's workforce. It is designed to pay tribute to you - working Americans. To thank you for year-round dedication, Labor Day is an opportunity to get some well-deserved R&R and to spend quality time

  • Labor Day: often misunderstood, always important

    The Labor Day weekend is here and that of course means the end of summer - at least growing up in Minnesota it meant the end of summer. I suspect that one's definition may be a trifle different here in sunny Florida though. Nonetheless, I believe that Labor Day is probably one of the most

  • 101 Critical Days: remain vigilant!

    Summer is winding down, but now is not the time to get complacent about summer safety! The Air Force's 101 Critical Days of Summer campaign continues officially through Labor Day weekend, but those of us who live in Florida must remember - for us, many activities associated with summer actually

  • 45th Space Wing: contributing to the flight every day

    How are you contributing to the war effort? I think about how to tell this story often, and find it easiest to just look at a day in the life of our troops in Iraq to see how space power is contributing to the fight. First, think about the ground operators who are carrying the brunt of the load

  • Working smarter, not harder

    Over the past eight months I've written about our journey down the Air Force Smart Operations 21st Century (AFSO21) path. As you recall, our entry into the AFSO21 arena was driven by a tasking from the Secretary of the Air Force. We've mapped how we conduct launch operations and outlined what the

  • Parenting and militry service ... making it easier

    In today's environment of high ops tempo and increased mobilization, Airmen routinely juggle competing demands of parenting and military service. The Air Force Services mission recognizes that readily available, high quality and affordable child care and youth programs are a workforce issue with

  • Warfit for your family, career

    A few weeks ago, I wrote a Missileer article about the Air Force's Fitness Program and how critical it is to our mission accomplishment and our well being. Now that the Air Force has decided to include your fitness status on your performance report, I'd like to emphasize one more time how important