Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • A 'Four-Star' Visit Hosted by a 'First Class' Team

    What a thrill it was to be able to host General John E. Hyten, Commander, Air Force Space Command, his wife, Laura, and Chief Master Sgt. Douglas McIntyre, the AFSPC Command Chief, to "Team Patrick-Cape" earlier this week as we prepared for the GPS IIF-10 launch mission.From a breakfast with a wide

  • Team Patrick-Cape needs to maintain current FPCON level -- and mindset!

    As most of you are well aware, Admiral William Gortney, commander, U.S. Northern Command, ordered the elevation for force protection for all Defense Department facilities in the continental United States to BRAVO on May 8, 2015.Bravo applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist

  • In the face of Sunday's tragedy, the launch team was excellent

    I'm sure you've all seen or heard about the SpaceX launch mishap that occurred Sunday morning, just over two minutes into flight.  This is a shocking event for the 45th Space Wing and for the Space Coast, and certainly a setback for SpaceX. No one was injured and no launch infrastructure property

  • Happy Independence Day: Keep up the good 'Safety Stats!'

    Greetings to all members of Team Patrick-Cape,In just a few days, millions of Americans will pause to celebrate America's 239th Birthday!It is a time - hopefully - for us to look back, reflect and thank all those who paved the way for all of us to enjoy living in a country filled with life, liberty

  • Patrick-Cape celebrates Pride Month

    The U.S. Air Force is consistently changing to become more diverse. One part of the continuing change to embrace diversity was the repeal of the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell law in September 2011. The Air Force has gone from a service where Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Trans-sexual (LGBT) members

  • 'Quest for Zero' Campaign: My job, My life, My choice

    For the last several years, the Air Force has encouraged summer safety habits by conducting the annual critical days of summer campaigns many of us may remember.For 2015; however, the Air Force Safety Center has created the Quest for Zero Safety Campaign.  This campaign is designed for every Airman

  • Mission, Airmen highlight 'Year of Connection'

    First, let me say thanks again to Team Patrick-Cape on our successful launch of the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), May 20, 2015, from Space Launch Complex 41, on board an Atlas V rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.Kudos to the Air Force's Space and Missile Systems Center, United Launch

  • AFSPC commander sends Memorial Day message

    To the women and men of Air Force Space Command --Memorial Day was established in 1868 to honor all soldiers who died during the Civil War. In 1971, it was declared a national holiday by an act of Congress, and expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars.This holiday also marks the

  • Greatest privilege of my command here so far

    Created early in the Civil War, the Medal of Honor is awarded to those who distinguished themselves "conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity" in combat with an enemy of the United States. Last Thursday evening at Riverfront Park in Cocoa, I was watching first-hand as one of our own was recognized

  • Team Patrick-Cape: It’s all about ‘Pride and Commitment’

    Join me in giving a large 45th Space Wing kudos to SpaceX and all mission partners involved in last week's successful Pad Abort Test mission.As you know, this is just one of the many steps we'll continue to do with our mission partners as we lean forward in creating the "Spaceport of the Future"