Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • AFSPC commander issues winter holiday message

    To the men and women of Air Force Space Command,The holiday season is upon us in all its glory!  As we take time to unwind and spend time with family and friends, I encourage you to remember our deployed Airmen, their families, and those who may not be able to spend the holidays with their

  • Be prepared: Winter Tornado Season to be well above normal

    The 2015-2016 east central Florida winter severe weather season is predicted to be well above normal.  More and stronger tornadoes than usual are expected. Are you prepared? A very strong potentially historic El Niño is already occurring and expected to persist through spring 2016.  An El Niño is

  • AFSPC commander sends holiday safety message

    To the Air Force Space Command Family,Each November, the Thanksgiving holiday provides the Air Force Space Command family with the opportunity to count our many blessings and to celebrate those blessings with family and friends.  Thanksgiving is traditionally the busiest travel period of the year,

  • Drug Abuse in the Military: Illicit and Prescription Drugs

    Just 2.3 percent of military personnel were past-month users of an illicit drug, compared with 12 percent of civilians, according to the 2008 Department of Defense (DoD) Survey of Health Related Behaviors among active duty military personnel. Among those age 18¬-25, who are most likely to use drugs,

  • Six secrets to UEI success

    With the Unit Evaluation Inspection creeping up on the 45th Space Wing in less than two months, this is a perfect time to share a bit of insider information.There are six secrets to UEI success that I learned when I volunteered to go behind the scenes as a member of an Inspector General team who

  • When to seek help

    Anyone can experience feeling low, down, sad, or depressed, but at what point do we recognize the feelings we experience are temporary and not allow them to overwhelm us?First, I recommend taking the time to engage in enjoyable activities, or do the things you used to enjoy. Those who get

  • Defenders keep legacies alive

    She was an Airman 1st Class who recently celebrated her 21st birthday during her first deployment when she made the ultimate sacrifice. That could be me.This startling thought would not leave my mind as I stood at attention at the 10th anniversary of the memorial for Airman 1st Class Elizabeth

  • Team Patrick-Cape tributes POW/MIA and U.S. Air Force

    Today is a day of remembrance and celebration as we pay tribute to two important events that define our heritage--Prisoner Of War/Missing-In-Action Recognition Day and the Air Force Birthday.The President has declared the third Friday in September as National POW/MIA Recognition Day to honor and

  • Wing CC: 'Some good things must come to an end!'

    As the old saying goes, "some good things must come to an end," and that's exactly what's on my mind as I get ready to turn over the keys to Brig. Gen. Wayne Monteith, who will assume command of the greatest Space Wing in the world on the morning of Aug. 4 in the base theater.I'll soon be headed

  • You can't keep a good TEAM down

    As I write this, we are about 24 hours away from launching a United Launch Alliance-built Delta IV the evening of July 22 from Space Launch Complex 37, carrying the seventh Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satellite -- and less than two weeks removed from my relinquishing command to Brig. Gen. Wayne