Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


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  • SLD 45 saves 450 hours with ‘Stop the Silly’ campaign

    Time is a finite commodity. Many people struggle to find the time needed to carry out daily tasks, whether that be working, caring for their children or running errands. If those individuals had the benefit of saving 450 hours, the equivalent of nearly three weeks of vacation, they may get more

  • RAD enhances efficiency for space launch missions

    A new software program called “Range Application Deployment,” is enhancing situational awareness for space launch missions at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

  • Police Week: A time to remember and honor

    Police Week is a designated time set aside each May to remember and honor all officers on a state, local, and federal level, who have been disabled or given their lives in the line of duty.

  • 45th SFS enhances installation security with marine patrol

    The 45th SFS has been ramping up its marine patrol unit (MPU) by training defenders on maritime operations with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA.) Twelve defenders graduated the NASBLA boat crew member course at PSFB Florida, April 15, certifying them as marine

  • The ever-evolving digital war fighter

    Supra coders are Airmen and Guardians who develop, manage, and design software for the U.S. Space Force.These individuals serve in a variety of specialties. Once they complete the Software Development Immersive (SDI) class, a software development boot camp that teaches full-stack JavaScript

  • Inaugural Space Force race registration opens May 4

    Registration for the first-ever United States Space Force T-Minus 10-Miler race, in-person and virtual events, opens tomorrow, May 4, at United States Space Force inaugural T-Minus 10-Miler will liftoff from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on Dec. 10, 2022.

  • New flight termination system improves launch tempo

    The new Automated Flight Safety System (AFSS), formerly known as the traditional Flight Termination System (FTS), is now being used by some launch companies to increase launch capabilities, readiness and accuracy, while saving time and money.