Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • You can't cheat the Core Values

    Recently, 15 Air Force Academy cadets were expelled due to a cheating scandal. The cadets used private computer messages to share answers for a required test of general knowledge about the Air Force. This scandal really drives home how critical it is for Airmen to cling to our values. We owe it to

  • Energy conservation matters

    The question of who pays for utilities used by one of our mission partners came up last week. Someone volunteered that we - the 45th Space Wing - did not pay these costs because they are reimbursable. Therefore, it really does not matter how much electricity they use. Wrong answer! These days energy

  • My top 10 greatest points on leadership

    For the last two years, I have been blessed and honored to serve as your 45th Mission Support Squadron commander. What a ride! We have accomplished much, kept things simple, and even coined the phrase "You just can't make this up." I made many mistakes in my leadership journey, which led me to

  • Taking pause before going forward

    The past several months have been extremely busy. The wing successfully launched a Delta II and Atlas V. We hosted several distinguished visitors including a Congressman, the Secretary of the Air Force and Air Force Space Command Commander. We also baselined several wing processes in support of

  • Airmen Warriors ready to fight

    Airmen Warriors. It is more than some catch phrase. It defines exactly who you are, what you do and how you fit into our expeditionary Air Force of the 21st Century. Right now, between the 45th Space Wing and our mission partners, we have about 100 Airmen deployed across the globe to places like

  • Know the competition...

    The saying goes, "Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or an antelope -- when the sun

  • Off to Capstone feeling confident

    Whew! What a couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on last week's simultaneous visits from Michael Wynne, Secretary of the Air Force, and Gen. Kevin Chilton, commander of Air Force Space Command. Thanks also to those who pitched in on this week's deployment exercise. A special

  • 45th Space Wing leads AFSO21 efforts

    We all know that the Air Force is facing a challenging future with implementing a ground-breaking strategy for recapitalization, but through the process of change, we need to ensure that our workforce is spending our limited time and budget with maximum efficiency. Through out the Force, leaders

  • Leadership at the next level: leading your boss

    If there is one thing that is common across the Air Force, it is the need for leadership. Leadership is so important to our culture, we teach it at every level of PME and expect it of every Airman, regardless of rank or responsibility. And while we do a great job of demanding that all Airmen become

  • Innovate or wither on the vine

    Our Air Force is facing the most dramatic change we've experienced in 60 years. We have been at war for the past 15 years and are in the middle of the fight today in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world. As the Air Force transforms, it is critical that we transform the way we prepare to meet the