Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • The one thing we all have in common

    As many of you know, Sunday marks the beginning of Black History Month, the second of several such Department of Defense special events we will celebrate throughout the year (the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was celebrated last week). None is any more "important" than the others.I know

  • Get in peak condition with an educational fitness program

    By now you have probably already heard about the findings of a recent worldwide audit on the effectiveness of the Air Force's fitness program. You know the report... the one that finds Airmen are not routinely getting their minimum prescribed weekly exercise, and that the "fit to fight" program

  • One (launch) down…more than 20 to go

    Well, one launch down - and if the current range launch schedule is correct - we have a lot more to go.By now, I'm sure you know we successfully launched a Delta 4 rocket from launch pad 37B last Saturday night at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.If you didn't get a chance to see it, you missed

  • Guideposts for successful leadership

    January's "Year of Leadership" focus on Training and Education provided me with an opportunity to reflect on the many successes and personal milestones I've experienced during a 28-year career I can only characterize as "extremely rewarding." Much of my success can be attributed to the outstanding

  • Commitment, flexibility remain key to success

    When people say "the only constant is change," I don't always know for sure if they are specifically referring to the space and launch business, but it seems to fit these days.Never before in my 20-plus years of experience as an Air Force officer have I seen an environment as dynamic as this one.

  • Give your very best to get their very best

    We hear the word 'leadership' daily, but do we really know what it means to be a good leader? Some think leadership is showing up to work on time, attending all the meetings and taking care of the mission. Not true! While leadership incorporates these activities, much more goes into being a "good

  • Looking Back for the Future

    Is anyone else surprised it's 2009? I can hardly believe 2008 is over. January has been designated by General Kehler to be the month to focus on education and training. As I reflect back on this last year, I realized a few educational opportunities I instigated and others just happened. Both had

  • Out with the old; in with a (busier) New Year

    Well, let me begin by wishing all of you a very Happy New Year. I hope you were able to take a little time off, get some much needed rest, spend time with family and friends and re-charge your inner batteries from what was a very busy 2008.And, thanks to all of you, a very successful 2008.Every

  • Relax, have fun and be safe

    It's hard to believe that the year is almost over and 2009 is coming around the corner.In the short time that I have been here, you have shown me how hard the members of Patrick Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station workday in and day out, 365 days a year. Now, it is time for you to

  • Success needs a solid foundation

    Education has not come easy for me. It's been a worthwhile struggle and a life long journey which has taken me farther than I ever imagined. Oh, trust me, I have made my share of mistakes (maybe we'll talk about that in another column), but I have triumphed as well.Traveling down the Year of