Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Commentary Search

  • Medicine requires ‘excellence in all we do’

    As the commander of the 45th Medical Support Squadron I have to say the men and women in my squadron demonstrate excellence in all they do. They strive not to maintain the status quo but to be the best in the Air Force by supporting customers in the Pharmacy, Radiology, Laboratory, Resource

  • Regarding the issue of housing…

    As my dad always says, "You have two ears and one mouth for a reason." Well, I have been doing a lot of listening over the past almost two weeks as I have visited many of you around the Cape and at Patrick.I am very serious about learning as much as I can from all of you, because I know that you are

  • Doing the right things for the right reasons

    As many of you may recall, the core values are November's focus area for Air Force Space Command's Year of Leadership and it seems appropriate to place special emphasis on them during this time. Every aspect of our Air Force life is captured in our core values. Our core values are not just for the

  • Here and ready to get started

    Greetings Sharks! Thank you all for making the change of command an impressive, professional ceremony. I am humbled to follow in the steps of a great leader and honored to be your 45th Space Wing commander. I also need to thank you for the warm reception you showed my wife, Patricia, my family and I

  • Air Force Core Values: more than just words

    October's "Year of Leadership" focus has been "Discipline." For November, the focus shifts to our Core Values, the very principles that are the backbone of discipline.Former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Ryan said, "our Core Values, Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence In All

  • 'You're as good as they get'

    This will be my last 'From the Top' as your Commander of the 45th Space Wing. Tuesday morning, I will pass the Wing flag over to General Ed Bolton with great reluctance, but I will do so knowing that he takes command of an installation that is operating at its peak.From the youngest airman basic to

  • Discipline: lessons from football

    This past Friday night, high school football teams predicted to roll over their crosstown rivals came up short, there were numerous surprises on Saturday when top-25 teams were crushed, and previously winless teams beat playoff contenders on Sunday. I watched some teams gain long yardage on some

  • CFC: charity begins at home

    The Combined Federal Campaign, which kicked off today with a 5K run, is now in full swing. Our goal is $180,000 by Nov. 13. While this may seem to be a difficult goal, I think it is an attainable one.This is your opportunity to give back to the community... the very community that has been so giving

  • Discipline: from where I sit

    Military discipline is a term that has been used, overused, and many times misused in our Air Force. It is applied to being a minute late, forgetting a meeting, improper formatting of a triple-S, and even a bad attitude. It seems now that the phrase 'Lack of military discipline' has become the

  • Climate Survey: It’s all about you

    We are all familiar with tracking our progress at achieving our goals, whether they are on a personal or professional basis. Without this status check, we wouldn't know if we were making progress in the right direction.Well, the Air Force is doing its status check with the 2008 Air Force Climate