Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+

Military and Family Readiness Center

The Military & Family Readiness Center supports individuals, families, and leadership with programs and services to strengthen communities, encourage self-sufficiency, enhance mission readiness, and ease adaptation to the Air Force/Space Force way of life. For additional information go to: The 45th Force Support Squadron's page: GoPatrickFL


Af Aid Society programs

CHILD CARE FOR PCS: Active duty members and their spouses must present a copy of orders to the M&FRC staff to receive a certificate of eligibility which entitles your family to receive up to 20 hours of child care (for each child) when you are within 60 days of your PCS departure or arrival date at current base paid by Air Force Aid.

BUNDLES FOR BABIES:  Active Duty Air Force, Space Force, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard families who are expecting a new baby (or 60 days postpartum) are eligible to attend this free, fun and informative event. Education will be provided on available resources, including but not limited to: Childcare options, WIC, Finances, DEERs and more! Air Force Aid Society provides all eligible participants a gift of $50 at completion.

(Notice: Programs and information are subject to change without notice)


Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) - (321) 301-0406

Military Family Life Counselors are licensed counselors that provide free short-term, non-medical counseling services to members and their families, on or off the military installation. Personnel eligible to meet with counselors are Active-Duty families, Active-Duty individuals, Active-Duty couples, and children.

Deployment Readiness

The Deployment Readiness Program:

o   Pre-deployment briefings held every Thursday at 1000.

o   Post-deployment briefings are done on a walk-in basis.

o   Preschool Playgroup is held every Wednesday at 1000

 **Location subject to change

The Attic

The Attic has free items available to families E-6 and below. The Attic accepts children’s clothes, books, games, uniforms, and various household items. The Attic is open M-F from 1100-1300 (unless otherwise posted), and is in building 415 along with Starbucks, ITT, and Marketing. The Uniform Exchange Room is open to all ranks. Please call 321-494-4907 if you have questions about what items can be donated.

In addition, the M&FRC also provides Loan Locker dish packs, folding tables, and fold out chairs available for check out up to 30 days at a time; stop in and see us with a copy of your orders.

Spouse employment

At Patrick Space Force Base, we have a career counselor, Ms. Suzanne Frie, who works for Career Source Brevard, but has an office at the M&FRC full time. She assists Active-Duty military spouses with resume review and connecting them with employment opportunities. Please call the M&FRC, and we will get you connected. 

Transition Assistance (TAP)

The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is a congressionally mandated program designed for servicemembers separating/retiring with 180 days or more of active duty. The program is designed to help ensure preparedness of military members upon entering civilian life. TAP attendance is required whether a servicemember is separating or retiring, regardless of characterization.

Transitioning Service members must begin the transition process 365 days prior to transition for those who are separating or retiring. It is recommended retirees begin the transition process at least two years prior to retirement.

The TAP curriculum consists of 4 mandated components:

1. Initial Counseling – completion of a Self-Assessment and begin the development of their Individual Transition Plan (ITP) to determine post-separation goals

2. Pre-Separation Counseling - covers by-law information to include benefits, entitlements, and resources for eligible transitioning servicemembers

3. TAP workshop - the core curriculum includes the DoD Transition Day, VA Benefits and Services, and the Department of Labor 1-Day workshop. The week concludes with the 2-Day Department of Labor Workshop.

4. Capstone – verify appropriate Career Readiness Standards and a viable ITP are met and must happen NLT 90 days before separation/retirement.

There are also 3 additional tracks that transitioning servicemembers can attend:

Entrepreneurship Track (Boots 2 Business)
Education Track
Career & Credential Exploration Track

*For any questions or to initiate TAP, please reach out to the Military & Family Readiness Center at DSN: 854-5676/Comm: 321-494-5676

Exceptional Family Member Program

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a DOD-mandated enrollment program designed to support individual, family and unit readiness. EFMP provides comprehensive support to Family members with special needs by taking an all-inclusive approach to coordinate military and civilian community, educational, medical, housing, and personnel services to help service members and their families with special needs. It's comprised of 3 components who work together to support military members and their families: Medical, Assignments, and Family Support. Some services offered at Patrick SFB include: Respite Care Assistance, Education Classes and Workshops, Outreach Services, and Community Support.

Who is an Exceptional Family Member? 
An Exceptional Family Member is an adult or child with any physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual disorder that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training, or counseling, and meets the eligibility criteria. This may include family members that:
• Require special medical services for a chronic condition such as asthma, attention deficit disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc.
• Receive ongoing services from a medical specialist
• Have significant behavioral health concerns
• Receive early intervention or special education services through an individualized education program or individualized family service plan

Available Family Support:
• Relocation: Assist incoming and outgoing families with information and referrals about medical and educational needs.
• Information & Referrals: About base and community programs that will assist EFMs in their specific needs.
• One—on—one consultations: Available to any AD member, DoD civilian, or military family member seeking info to support family members with special needs.
• Education & Support: Educational meetings, workshops and formal and informal discussions. You’re NOT alone!
• Respite Care: Can provide information on several respite care options for Active Duty AF & SF EFMP families.

Contact Information

For any questions or to initiate TAP, please reach out to the Military & Family Readiness Center at DSN: 854-5676/Comm: 321-494-5676

Employment Program

The program supports military, civilian and family members short and long-term employment, by referring for education/training, and obtaining career goals in the private and public sector.  Offer labor market information, skills and interest identification, Job Search workshops, alternatives to paid employment (e.g., volunteerism and education), on-and-off base resources available.