Do your part to keep wildlife healthy and wild

  • Published
  • By 45th Civil Engineer Squadron
  • Natural Resources Management Office
All personnel are reminded that feeding wildlife on 45th Space Wing property is prohibited.

Feeding wildlife causes animals to lose their fear of people and potentially become a danger to humans. In some cases, animals have had to be euthanized after habitual encroachment into populated areas.

Providing food to wildlife that is not part of its natural diet is unhealthy and causes them to lose their ability to forage naturally and may impede natural migration patterns. Feeding alligators is especially dangerous; alligators that have been fed have been known to attack and kill people. Just recently an alligator on CCAFS had to be euthanized because it was suspected to have been fed. Feeding certain species of wildlife, such as listed/protected species, is prohibited by federal law and may result in monetary fines and/or imprisonment.

Anyone caught feeding wildlife on 45 SW property will be reported to their supervisor and in some cases a recommendation will be made to revoke the individual's base access. For more information, contact the CCAFS Natural Resources Management Office at (321) 853-0934.