Wishing you a very ‘Happy Holiday’ season

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Nina Armagno
  • Commander, 45th Space Wing
First off, let me say thanks for all the hard work you did in getting ready for the Unit Effectiveness Inspection we just completed with the Inspector General Team from Air Force Space Command.

In my mind, I see an OUTSTANDING team of professionals who comprise all of Team Patrick-Cape, and I could not be more proud of your achievements, both before and during the inspection process.

Like I said Monday morning (borrowing words from President Theodore Roosevelt), "It's not the critic who counts ... It is the man - or woman -- who actually strives to do the deeds, who knows the great enthusiasm and knows the great devotion, who spends himself on a worthy cause, who at best, knows in the end the triumph of great achievement."

And trust me, no team anywhere achieves more than the Sharks of the 45th Space Wing.

Team, if you are like me, you are ready for some well deserved down time. I truly hope you are able to spend quality time with your family and friends this holiday season. You have certainly more than earned it after what we went through this year.

But please, let's not forget that for some of us, the holidays can be over-powering for a wide range of reasons. Reach out to those in need. It will make both of you feel better this holiday season (and all year around).

We can also expect a sense of anxiety over what the future holds for many of our Airmen and civilian employees and their family members, given the latest guidance we recently received on what the Air Force of the future will look like.

I also hope that whatever your plans are, and wherever your travels may take you, that safety plays a big part in everything you do.

If you plan to drink - plan not to drive. I am a very firm believer in the "One and Done" philosophy when it comes to drinking and driving.

If you don't know the "costs" associated with getting a DUI (and I'm not just talking money here) ask someone who recently got one.

And then ask yourself one very simple question: Is it worth it?

As always, it's been an honor being your commander these past six months and Eddie and I wish you a very Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.