Let’s not avoid change; it’s time to embrace it

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Nina Armagno
"Don't be afraid to fail...be more afraid of not trying to make a positive change."

That message, as much as any, is the take-away I hope you received from the Commander's Call we recently conducted at the Base Theater.

As I said at that time, our vision and mission statements were changed only slightly, but our priorities and commitments were tweaked to better reflect where we are, where we want to go, what we already do well, and where we need work.

Leaders at the highest levels of the Department of Defense are looking for and talking about better ways of doing things, to include our Commander-in-Chief.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek," said President Barack Obama.

Team, I can't say enough how important - absolutely essential is not putting it too strongly - it is for you to understand (and buy in) that the only way this innovative process can be successful is for it to be inclusive.

And that's why you were asked to get off the bench and get in the ballgame -- and WOW -- you really came out swinging for the fences.

As of last Friday, our "Year of Innovation" campaign has produced 38 "innovation successes," that have been closed and implemented.

And, I am very proud to say that these -- because of your inputs - have resulted in the dual-hatted success of annual savings for the Wing of $100,000 and 320 man hours.

In addition, another 30 "innovative ideas" are currently on the books and being reviewed. I'm not surprised - this is just another example of what a fantastic team we have here at Team Patrick-Cape.

So, along with our three stated missions (100 percent Mission Success, Ignite Innovation, and Invest in People) we are going to be sure we continue to (just to name a few) resource responsibility, prove wing readiness every single day, stop doing stupid things, unleash creativity, take care of our people and families, and demand a culture of respect.

Team, I truly believe in every one of you, and your capabilities to make a positive impact on "how we do business."

No one knows "your" job as well as you do.

It's what makes you special. It's what makes this entire team: world class!

It's what makes me so very proud to be your commander.

Stay Focused, Sharks!