Wishing you a happy, healthy and SAFE holiday season; Please take time to 'un-plug, rest, and re-charge batteries' Published Dec. 16, 2014 By Brig. Gen. Nina Armagno Commander, 45th Space Wing PATRICK AFB, Fla. - -- Happy Holidays Team Patrick-Cape! It seems like every December, Eddie and I sit back and wonder (just like many of you) "where did the year go?" Well, in our minds, it's not so much where it went, but rather, what we did with it. And let's make no mistake about it, Team Patrick-Cape hit it out of the park all year long with 18 successful launches to date and another mission still scheduled during calendar year 2014. You not only adopted our three main priorities of (1) "100% Mission Success", (2) "Ignite Innovation" and (3) "Invest in People," you "took ownership" in each of them -- molded them to fit your mission -- and made them work for your team. It was never intended to be a "one-size-fits-all" listing of priorities and commitments, and you were innovative in how you shaped them to work for you and your units. THAT's the kind of leadership / teamwork I look for in every corner of Team Patrick-Cape. Thanks for all the hard work - we would not be successful without it! Now, with our optempo (hopefully) slowing down for a few weeks, our hope is that you take this time to unplug, rest and re-charge your (personal) batteries, and spend time with family and loved ones. And that's because we already have more than 20 launches waiting to be delivered into space in CY 2015, and an even busier launch schedule as we look to the future on the Eastern Range. So with all the work in our future, it's imperative we get all of you back, safe and sound, from the holiday break we hope you'll be taking (get ready ... the "Safety Pitcher" is warming up in the bullpen now). According to data provided by the 45th Space Wing Safety Office, over the course of the last three years, the Air Force had two fatal automobile accidents that occurred during the week before Christmas until the week after New Year's. Both of these fatalities, unfortunately, involved excessive speed and alcohol. Here at the 45th Space Wing, we had zero reportable vehicle mishaps during the same time frame. And as we have said many, many times in the past, "Safety is no Accident." So be a good Wingman, look out for one another, call 494-RIDE if you need to, and let's work together to keep it that way. Once again, Eddie and I send season's greetings...and best wishes to you and yours. Thanks again for a great 2014. Stay Focused Sharks!