Things to keep in mind for the 'sometimes' Published March 12, 2009 By Col. Bernie Gruber 45th Operations Group commander PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Sometimes... do you feel like you're just spinning your wheels? Sometimes... do you feel like you're not getting where you want to be? Sometimes... do you feel like whatever you do is not good enough? Let me tell you, you're not alone. More importantly, there really is an easy way forward. Interested? First, keep pressing forward. Benjamin Franklin said "troubles spring from idleness, and grievous toils from needless ease." I recall an Airman once saying "if they would promote me, I would work harder." Certainly the wrong attitude and I'm sure you can guess what he was told - work harder and then maybe you'll get promoted! Instead of having a pity party - work hard and you will be amazed at how much better you'll feel and how much others will respect you. Second, set your goals. My favorite quote was one I learned at ROTC field training: "shoot for the moon; even if you miss you'll be among the stars." I'm not sure why that particular line resonated with me, but it did. You may not always hit your target, but at least you know you'll be going in the right direction. If your goal seems just too hard to hit, put together smaller ones that will lead you on the right path. Third, don't beat yourself up. Often times we have a tendency to beat up ourselves when plans don't go exactly right. Knock it off - no one is perfect. Our third core value is "Excellence in all we do." America has entrusted us with our nation's security and excellence is our obligation. Last week many of us attended the wing awards banquet; we recognized our annual award winners. My hat's off to them - but my hat's also off to the thousands of people who helped get them there - even if they weren't on stage. So even if you didn't have medal around your neck, give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it. Not getting where you want to? Keep moving forward; know the difference between greatness and goodness is going the extra mile. Select your target, get it in your bore sight, and go for it.