How to dazzle the Inspector General

  • Published
  • By Maj. Brian Dewey
  • 45th Logistics Readiness Flight commander
By now most of you are fully aware the 45th Space Wing is leaning forward and preparing for a much anticipated readiness/compliance inspection in the late summer/early fall period. Having just come off the Air Mobility Command's IG team, I found myself reflecting on the words of wisdom that Gen. Mark Zamzow (former AMC/IG) would emphasize to all the bases we would inspect. Here's a quick synopsis of his 10 Best Ways for Inspection Participants to Dazzle the IG.

1. Competence - Know your job and become the expert.

2. Responsiveness - Summed up as a sense of urgency.

3. Attitude - Be positive regardless of the situation and you'll be amazed at how fast it spreads.

4. Readiness - We are an expeditionary force; have your bags packed and all your mobility requirements squared away.

5. Aggressiveness - You're expected to respond accordingly during Ability to Survive and Operate, Self-Aid and Buddy Care, and Force Protection scenarios/conditions.

6. Appearance - Be sharp in and out of uniform by exceeding standards, to include customs and courtesies.

7. Safety - A responsibility entrusted upon everyone; utilize the training you've received for Operational Risk Management (ORM).

8. Leadership - Lead by words and actions, formally and informally, by motivating, communicating and setting a positive example!

9. Followership - Follow taskings and orders quickly and effectively; always keep the objective in sight.

10. Pride - Visibly exude pride in yourself, your unit, your mission and your base: Looking good, feeling good, being a winner!

What each of you should realize is that inspections are designed to ensure the Air Force sustains the highest levels of readiness and for units to dedicate the necessary time and energy into fixing things that might not have received their due attention.

I can promise you this: all your hard work and dedication is not going unnoticed by 45 SW leaders. They fully appreciate your commitment and attention to detail in executing checklists, conducting self inspections and reviewing Air Force instructions and guidance. Please be patient and remain focused in correcting those deficiencies within our control prior to the start of inspection day.

Once the IG team arrives, the hard part has already been accomplished. It is now time to grab your inspector and demonstrate that you possess all 10 of these qualities and dazzle them!