Patience goes with perseverance Published July 17, 2009 By Brig. Gen. Edward L. Bolton Jr. 45 SW Commander Patrick AFB, Fla. -- The old saying "patience is a virtue" rings true over the past month as we persevere with our mission on the Eastern Launch Range. Patience is one of those qualities that may not come easy to you. For most of us, it is a learned characteristic, but it is an important one to have in the launch world, especially with Florida's summer weather. We must remember to look at the big picture and keep the overall Space Wing mission in mind. The launch environment is not the only place in which patience is a necessary quality. Military members and families facing an upcoming deployment need patience and courage as well. Our mission allows you to practice the patience you may need further down the road. We all work extremely hard to ensure perfection in the range, our missions, and in our personal lives because as 14th Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Larry James is fond of saying, "perfection is the standard." We have always maintained perfection as the standard and will continue to maintain that high standard, which calls for patience at times from everyone. We all understand that every aspect of the launch can go right and that one tiny flaw can halt the entire mission. But we all realize that our hard work will pay off eventually. You are good at what you do. You are the best! I thank you for that and ask for your continued patience in the launch environment because without you, we could not do what we do. You will reap the benefits of your dedication to the mission as we reflect on that old saying. Patience really is one of the best qualities to have. Thank you for your continued service.