Space Coast Community: Simply the best

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Edward L. Bolton, Jr.
  • Commander, 45th Space Wing
     I could easily fill up this entire publication thanking everyone who has contributed to the success of the Wing and the Eastern Range since I took command 15 months ago.
     I have received help and counsel from every corner of all four groups, from our valued tenant members both here at Patrick and at the Cape, from the most knowledgeable civilian work force anywhere in the world and from the hundreds of volunteers who truly are the behind-the-scenes heroes most of you probably never even think about, and even fewer may even know about.
     But there's one more group I want to publicly acknowledge: and that's the Space Coast Community. As a whole. As a group. As in the most supportive community I have ever seen, or been a part of. (I will address the wing in my final column next week.) There are countless outstanding organizations out there, but there are two in particular I want to point out: The Brevard County Civilian/Millitary Council and the Military Affairs Council.
Both have been around for a while and both are pretty much designed to do the same thing: and that¹s to be 100% focused on improving the lives of our local service members and their families.
     Let me say that again: they are totally focused on serving our local service members and their families.
     As a commander ­ at any level ­ you have no idea how comforting it is to know that someone out there (in this case, the entire community) "has your back" both in good times and bad.
     From helping us with Guardian Challenge, to awarding college scholarships to deserving family members, to preparing and serving homemade meals to family members left behind by deployed service members, to treating 600-plus junior enlisted troops at their annual summer pool bash, both groups prove on an everyday basis ­ that actions truly speak louder than words.
     I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole really is the sum of its parts. And it sure is nice when you have the right "parts" to plug in. It's a cliché - I'm well aware of it - but it's really true that there is no "I" in T-E-A-M.