PT test and EPR’s; changes are here! Published July 12, 2010 By Chief Master Sgt. Calvin Williams 45th SW Command Chief Patrick AFB, Fla. -- As the line from the old song goes, "the times, they are a changin'." What I'm referring to, of course, is the newly adopted changes to the PT test and overall fitness program the Air Force implemented earlier this month. There is now a very good chance that any Airmen who fails the PT test will not be allowed to receive a "5 Rating" on their annual Enlisted Performance Review. Bottom line up front: I have no problem with this proposed change whatsoever. For a long time, I think Airmen of all ranks have wondered how anyone who fails a PT test can be considered for the top rating, which signifies "truly among the best." It just never passed the "common sense" test in my eyes. Many of us in the Air Force take - and make fitness a priority in our lives. That's the way it should be. And we don't do that to ensure "we get a good report card." We do it because fitness can mean survival on the battlefield for us or for the Wingman we are there to look after. With our current opstempo throughout the Air Force (as I write this, more than 100 Airmen from the 45th Space Wing are serving in harm's way right now) we never know when our name will be called to deploy. But it gives us peace of mind knowing whatever physical task is asked of us, we will be able to handle it because we have trained our bodies to be fit to fight. So get off the couch and get to work. Trying to play "catch-up" with your personal fitness is a losing proposal all the way around. Fitness is not a fad. It's a life-style. Embrace it and you will see a world of difference in the way you look at life, and in the way others look at you. Be a leader. Be a Wingman. Be an Airman. Be fit.