Counting on you to launch; Everyday Published July 30, 2010 By Maj. John Newton Commander, 45th Security Forces Squadron PATRICK AFB, Fla. -- As a new arrival to the 45th Space Wing, my understanding of the Wing's mission continues to increase on a daily basis. Having said that, a few days ago I had the opportunity to attend an event where the Commander of the 45th Space Wing, Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson, spoke about this very subject. In a clear and concise manner, Brig. Gen. Wilson declared that the mission of the 45th Space Wing is "launching rockets." The general went on to explain how incredibly important our mission is to the tens of thousands of service members serving in harm's way everyday. As Brig. Gen. Wilson explained, our ability to successfully launch rockets provides our deployed comrades not only enhanced situational awareness of their operating environment but also increased precision when battling the enemy. The notion that our Wing's mission is critically important to the welfare of our Airmen serving in harm's way struck a chord deep inside me. Like many of you, I was once, and will most likely be again, one of those serving in harm's way and one of those who relied on the 45th Space Wing to accomplish its vital rocket launching mission. I also thought of our own 45th Space Wing members and personnel from our mission partners who are currently deployed. Additionally, the most important point to remember regarding the rocket launching mission is that each of us plays a critical role in accomplishing this vital mission. No matter if you are standing guard at the entrance of a critical space launch facility, seeing patients at the medical facility, or are a member of the launch team itself, you are an integral part of the rocket launching mission and our deployed members are counting on you to carry out your mission. So, begin each day bearing in mind that what you are doing is contributing to the welfare of those in combat. By doing so, you may gain a deeper understanding as to your importance in the overall rocket launching mission. I certainly did.