Stay alert; stay focused; STAY SAFE

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson
  • Commander, 45th Space Wing
With next Friday being an Air Force Space Command "Family Day," we wanted to make contact with as many of you as possible before the big Labor Day weekend.

So far, the 45th Space Wing is doing a great job during these (often times) dangerous "101 Critical Days of Summer."

To date, we have had zero fatalities, either on- or off-duty, which is the most important figure of all. Additionally, we have suffered three lost workday accidents - last year, we finished the campaign with seven lost days.

When it comes to safety, any improvement is significant.

Air Force-wide, there have been 10 fatalities during the 101 CDS. There were a total of 21 Wingmen lost last year - and ten of those came in the last five weeks.

That's not the "finish" we are looking for this year.

That is why I am bringing this up now. As leaders and supervisors, it's not only our job to do everything in our power to keep our people safe from harm's way; it's our moral obligation to do so.

The problem is, when we think of Labor Day, we often think of grilling in the backyard and relaxing with friends and family. That part is true.

What we do not think about is how deadly the Labor Day weekend really is. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Sunday before Labor Day is the 8th deadliest day to drive and Labor Day is the 9th deadliest day to drive. The facts don't lie.

So please, stay vigilant. Stay alert. Stay focused.


And remember, even as we reach the end of the "summer season," don't think for a moment that we've reached the "finish line" when it comes to safety.

Because there is no such line, and there never will be.

Safety is a full time job; don't make it a part time practice.

Remember, safety is a an attitude and we all need to get one.

Thanks again for all you do.