Need to keep ‘telling it like it is’ Published Sept. 2, 2010 By Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson Patrick AFB, Fla. -- Over the past few weeks, we have published articles aimed specifically at helping you. We recently published one on the benefits of "fair fighting," and the very real problems disagreements can cause within an office, a family or a relationship. We have run stories on where you can turn to for help with anything from mental health issues to upside-down mortgages to marital counseling. And everything in between. And while we agree this may not be the most fun things for all of you to read, we also acknowledge the importance of facing the truth and doing our best to "tell it like it is." That's the least we can do, because we have the resources here at the 45th Space Wing to help. And the right people who want to do just that. Last week, we ran a very insightful commentary from a fellow Airman from Schriever Air Force Base on the very real horrors - and unbelievable sadness - in the aftermath of a servicemember's suicide. I really hope you found the time to read it. It gave us all something to think about. One paragraph, in particular, is something we should all pay attention to and think about. And then, most importantly, act on it. "Don't give in to the misconception that asking for help for yourself or another will hurt anyone's career," Lt. Col Douglass Schiess wrote. "Suicide is the ultimate career ender." Many of us - maybe the man or woman working just a couple doors down the hall from you - are undergoing tremendous pressure in both their personal and professional lives right now. At the very least, we need to take a few minutes (or however long it takes) and make sure they are being cared for. So make the first effort - reach out and offer a helping hand anytime you get the chance. Sometimes that's all it takes. Be a true Wingman and keep an eye out for one another. Thanks for all you do.