Training & Counseling: Chief Roy on the mark Published Sept. 10, 2010 By Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson 45th Space Wing Commander Patrick AFB, Fla. -- Last Monday, I read an article authored by Chief Master Sgt. Of the Air Force James Roy. In it, he touts training and counseling as future keys to success in today's Air Force. He is right on the mark. So regardless of your rank or duty title, if you supervise anyone we want you to give it your best. Every single day. For those of us "with a little time" under our belts, it's almost hard to believe the changes that have taken place in the Air Force (indeed, all throughout the DOD) over the past decade or so. These technological advances have increased awareness, made information-gathering simply a mouse click away, and literally changed the way we do business (and live our lives) - both on- and off-duty. Remember when we didn't get text messages and e-mails when we were no longer at work? It seems like it was a long time ago, but it was just a few short years ago. It's a whole new ball game out there today. Still, nothing will ever take the place of our Airmen - the full team of officers, enlisted and civilians. They are the ones who deserve our focus and attention. They are the ones, as the Chief rightly noted, who need our training and counseling. So here's what we are asking all leaders to do: Talk with your folks. Don't just e-mail them one task after another with zero understanding with what's going on behind-the scenes in their lives. Look them in the eye and ask how they are doing. If they need more training to do their job better, do everything you can to ensure they get what they need. We all win when we have a better trained workforce. It's also the right thing to do. Build the kind of work environment where individuals can come to you when they need to talk things out. What may seem small potatoes to you, may look like Mt. Everest to them. So help them find their way. Thanks again for all you do!