It’s True: Cream Rises to the Top Published Nov. 4, 2010 By Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson Commander, 45th Space Wing Patrick AFB, Fla. -- After months of planning, meetings, round-table discussions, and some candle-burning evenings, Air Force Week -- one of only two such events the Air Force sponsors every year -- has come and gone here on the Space Coast and in Central Florida. But it sure left one very large - and indelible footprint. Your efforts took the area by storm, and not the kind those living here are necessarily used to seeing. Everywhere we went and everyone we talked to, raved and raved about what a "first-class" event each and every Air Force Week venue and activity turned out to be. From the UCF-Rice Football game to the Proclamation Ceremony to Disney World to See World to Tops in Blue to the Cocoa Beach Air Show and a host of other events, it couldn't have gone better! If we had the room, we'd list the names of all those who "made it happen." Unfortunately, we don't. So, please know how much all of us appreciate the hard work and extra effort it took to make Air Force Week so successful! You made it look easy and impacted literally thousands of people's lives...all for the positive. Kudos to the entire team on a job well done. Shifting gears a bit, I hope each of you took the opportunity to cast your vote on Tuesday. Regardless of which side of the aisle you may be on, it's our responsibility to choose our elected officials...from city mayors to circuit court judges to our Congress to the President of the United States. It was good to see the reports of high voter turnout. Let's not forget how privileged we are in this country to have the ability to peacefully exercise of our right to vote and effect change in the highest levels of city, state and national government. Countless millions around the world have died trying to achieve this goal, we should never take it for granted. As the 'ole adage goes, cream always rises to the top. You're a shining example, thanks for all you do.