AFAF: A little can be a lot Published April 7, 2011 By Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson Commander, 45th Space Wing PATRICK AFB, Fla. -- Each of us who serve the Air Force are so involved with the success and challenges of our own family, health, job and life in general, that, at times, it can be easy to forget others in our Air Force Family who need our help. Our annual Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) drive, which is happening through the middle of this month, is a great opportunity for each of us to offer a helping hand. Donations can be made to the AFAF four charitable organizations -- Air Force Villages, Air Force Aid Society, Air Force Enlisted Village, and the Gen. and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation. These organizations help Air Force members with aid in times of need, with educational shortfalls, or to ensure a safe retirement home for widows or widowers of Air Force members who require financial assistance. As the harsh weather we experienced last week reminded us, we never know what life is going to bring our way. In an instant, things can change and we can go from helping others to being the individuals in need of assistance. One thing will not change is that 100 percent of our AFAF contributions goes to help our Air Force military family -- Active Duty Airmen, their family members, eligible Reserve and Guard members, as well as retirees who have fallen on hard times. For those who are planning to give or may have lost the form, please contact your AFAF project officer or our wing project officer, Major Mike Lewis, 494-6808. They will gladly ensure you get the right material to make a donation. While the goals we set for this campaign are aggressive, 100 percent contact and $41,000 in donations, we are confident the Air Force family here on the Space Coast will make it happen. Our AFAF "thermometer" is currently at 60 percent and rising. Let's all chip in and make it rise to the top! As always, any amount (even a small gift) goes a long way when it comes to helping others. Let's all make a difference, and thanks for all you do.