Reach out and offer assistance

  • Published
  • By Maj. John Newton
  • Commander, 45th Security Forces Squadron
     The 10-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is upon us. We will remember those who perished on that dreadful day, and we will take time out of our busy schedules to reflect upon those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
     Although there hasn't been another major attack on our homeland, the battle is not over, and many remain in harm's way. These heroes' family members are maintaining the home front while patiently awaiting the return of their loved ones, and we must not forget them.
     It only takes a few moments to call the spouse of a deployed member in order to say hello and see if there is anything you can do for them.
     Most military spouses are very resilient and self-sustaining, but your call may be the one opportunity this person has to reach out for help. Even the simple task of mowing a lawn or going to the grocery store can become overwhelming when faced with running a household alone.
     There are also more complex scenarios regarding the health and welfare of our deployed members and their families where you may have to call in others to assist. The good thing is there are numerous people and agencies ready to help.
     First and foremost, unit First Sergeants and Commanders have many resources at their fingertips which they can call upon for immediate assistance.
     Whether you're a supervisor, a co-worker or just a friend, you have an important role in watching out for those in need. Take the time to make the call and offer assistance.
     Although the last 10 years has taken a serious toll on our profession of arms, we have come a long way in taking care of our deployed personnel and their families. We can do an even better job with your help.
     Reach out, offer assistance, and know that when it's your turn to deploy, there will be others who will do the same.