Confidence: More than a state of mind

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Anthony Cotton
  • Commander, 45th Space Wing
This week marks more than two months since I took command of the 45th Space Wing.

I can't put into words how proud I am to be a part of this team, and how much you continue to impress me with your efforts in these challenging times.

These two months have flown by. And today marks 30 days until the inspectors arrive for the Consolidated Unit Inspection. This month will go by even faster, in the blink of an eye.

You have been hearing from your supervisors for months to prepare. And as you continue to ready for the CUI, be prepared to "show off" your programs. Be proud of the work put into your programs. Know them inside and out.

Let's face it: the next six weeks or so are going to be demanding, stressful, challenging, and most of all, an opportunity for you to prove (once again) that "No One Does it Like the Sharks."

Why? Confidence.

Confidence is more than a state of mind. It is tied to competence. When you are competent in your job, you exude confidence in execution.

You demonstrate it every day as members of the world's premier gateway to space. Now let's show the inspectors "how we roll." As you prepare for the upcoming inspections, make sure you prepare yourself. There are a lot of moving parts happening before the Inspector General team arrives, the holidays as well as the Mars Science Lab mission. Get plenty of rest and exercise.

We have the opportunity to set the benchmark as AFSPC's first wing to receive a Consolidated Unit Inspection. Our wing sets the bar high for every activity we do. Flawless mission execution; let's extend that pursuit for excellence as we demonstrate our abilities during the CUI.

Keep pushing, Sharks!