Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


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  • Zika Virus 2017, what you need to know

    As mosquito season ramps up this summer, we want to provide you with information to keep you and your family safe. Mosquitos have the ability to transmit the Zika virus and the following are the latest facts.  To date there have been no cases of local transmission of the Zika Virus in Brevard County

  • Help control mosquitoes that spread Zika virus

    By now, many Florida residents have likely heard of the Zika virus and how it’s primarily contracted.   Currently, the Florida Department of Health has identified an area with local mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission in Miami, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Additionally, Governor

  • Coping with stress through healthy thinking

    Stress. Even mention of the word can increase anxiety for some. Everyone deals with stress differently, but how you cope with daily stressors can have great impacts on your quality of life and overall health.Stress is actually the body’s response to any demand, including change. According to the

  • De Los Santos: Shark of the Week

    Staff Sgt. Pedro De Los Santos, 45th Medical Operations Squadron physical therapy technician, was selected for Shark of the Week.De Los Santos was nominated by Tech. Sgt. Michelle Wright, of the 45th MDOS, because she said he constantly demonstrates the epitome of the U.S. Air Force Core Values on a

  • New automated system replaces base operators

    The 45th Space Communications Squadron switchboard, commonly referred to as the base operator, is no longer manned and has been replaced with an automated call tree as of Oct. 1, 2014.The automated call tree system is designed to minimize the impact to Team Patrick-Cape and allows a caller to step

  • Wright: Shark of the Week

    Tech. Sgt. Michelle Wright, 45th Medical Operations Squadron Physical Therapy Technician, was selected for Shark of the Week. Staff Sgt. Jackie Summers, 45th Comptroller Squadron, nominated Wright because she went beyond the call of duty by intervening in situations that some might walk away from.

  • Maker: Shark of the Week

    Suzanne Maker, 45th Medical Operations Squadron licensed practical nurse, was nominated for Shark of the Week.Maj. Jennifer Pippin, 45th Medical Group physician, nominated Maker because she arranged for a World War II veteran, and his family members, to attend the Honor Flight in June. "The veteran