BASH program keeps flying operations safe
Brig. Gen. Wayne Monteith, 45th Space Wing commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Jason Lamoureux, 45th SW command chief, join airfield management personnel April 27, 2016, during their patrols of the runway to ensure flightline operations are safe from bird activity at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. The general’s orientation to the wing’s Bird, Wildlife, Aircraft Strike Hazard Reduction Plan, gave him a first-hand look at the way personnel at Patrick and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station take action to mitigate the risk birds can play on aircraft flying missions if they are found on runways, overruns, taxiways and ramps. The 45th SW uses a multitude of techniques to impede perching and nesting of the birds on or near the runway. These techniques include bioacoustics alarms, pyrotechnics, radio controlled gas cannons and lawn maintenance. (U.S. Air Force photo/Matthew Jurgens) (Released)