PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Airmen and families displaced from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, who evacuated to the surrounding Patrick AFB region can receive help at Patrick AFB. Assistance includes support from all base organizations including administrative, medical, chaplain services, counseling and much more.
The Airman and Family Readiness is hosting a Modified Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) to provide evacuated families a forum to connect with base agencies. Members can attend in person or via Webinar. Please call 321-494-5676 to sign up for Webinar.
DATE: Wednesday, 17 Oct, 1400-1600 EST
LOCATION: Patrick AFB A&FRC or via DCS (Webinar)
1400 - 1405: Welcome brief
1405 - 1445: Individual agency briefs, 3-5 mins each, on essential evacuee need-to-know information
1445 - open: Q & A with Agency Reps (Webinar attendees can ask questions through DCS)
Finance, NAF civilian’s pay, Government Travel Card (GTC), Lodging, Legal, School Liaison / Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), Military Personnel Flight, Tricare/Medical EFMP, Mental Health, Chaplain, A&FRC, Civilian Personnel Flight.
Any member on flying status, Security Forces Airmen, PRP and PRAP patients seen downtown need to contact the Flight Medicine Clinic within 24-hours for medical disposition at 321-494-0933. To schedule an appointment, call the 45th Medical Group at 321-494-8241. Airmen can also reach out to a Humana Representative at 800-444-5445.
The Air Force Aid Society HQ has the Stabilizing Assistance Grant for Air Force Tyndall Evacuees. To apply, please call the A&FRC at 321-494-5676.
The Red Cross Hero Care Center can also assist with financial and family issues at 877-272-7337.
Effective immediately and for the next 30 days, Air Force Family Child Care Extended Duty Care is available on a space available basis for Tyndall AFB evacuees.
Airmen and families should log any problems they are facing into AFPAAS at Airmen and families can also find information at the Air Force Personnel Center Facebook page, or visit the AFPC website,
For the Patrick Airman and Family Readiness Center call 321-494-5676.