It’s not a rental – 45th Space Wing warns against improper GMV usage

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Christopher Stoltz
  • 45th Space Wing Public Affairs
Government Motor Vehicles are used abundantly throughout the military and especially here on Patrick Air Force Base, where Airmen make numerous trips back-and-forth to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

When operating a vehicle so frequently, it is easy to fall into bad habits. However, misusing a government motor vehicle can result in consequences for both military and civilian personnel alike.

“It’s easy to forget you aren’t driving your car when you drive a GMV so often,” said Maj. Dawn Baker, 45th Logistics Readiness Squadron commander. “However, GMV usage is a privilege, and it is one that can easily be taken away for those who do not follow the rules.”

According to DoD Manual 4500.36, Enclosure 5, ‘Acquisition, Management, and Use of DoD Non-Tactical Vehicles,’ the punishments for improver GMV usage can range from forfeiture of pay, suspension of duties without pay, punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and even imprisonment of up to 10 years.

The 45th Logistics Readiness Squadron on Patrick Air Force Base can assist with any questions personnel may have regarding official GMVs. If there are any doubts about what is allowed or disallowed, each unit has its own vehicle control officer (VCO) for assistance.

“Litter left in vehicles, reports of GMVs spotted in unauthorized locations, and eating food while operating a vehicle are some of the offenses I have seen personally,” said the Major. “Speaking with your local VCO and receiving their guidance can help prevent from committing infractions. Just because you’re unaware of the rules – isn’t an excuse to break them.”

For more information, including guidance and official Air Force Instructions, please refer to AFI 24-301, which can be found here or DoD Manual 4500.36, Enclosure 5, which can be found here. For a local point of contact, please call the 45th LRS vehicle control officers can be reached by calling 494-4545/7247.

Top-10 Things to NOT DO When Using a GMV

  • Take the vehicle to your home or place of residence
  • Smoke cigarettes or use e-cigarettes in the GMV
  • Take the vehicle to unauthorized locations including bars
  • Eat food or take the car through the drive-thru
  • Use a cellphone or text while operating a GMV
  • Allow family members to ride in GMV
  • Consume alcohol in GMV / Consume alcohol prior to operation
  • Drive / operate a GMV without the proper training / licensing
  • Flee a scene of an accident (Hit & Run)
  • Use the GMV for any use that isn’t official government business