PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- All 45th Space Wing organizations, tenants and residents are reminded to turn their lights off from dusk until dawn during turtle nesting season, May 1 to Oct. 31.
The beaches at CCAFS and PAFB are prime nesting habitat for loggerhead, green and leatherback sea turtles. Artificial lighting negatively affects nocturnal sea turtle behavior of both adults and hatchlings.
Disorientation occurs when sea turtles crawl toward inland light sources rather than the ocean. To minimize injury or death to sea turtles protected by the Endangered Species Act, all nonessential lighting must be extinguished between 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. during nesting season. Exterior lighting that is not mission-, safety-, or security-essential will be extinguished during this time frame.
For further information regarding exterior lighting at 45th SW installations, refer to the 45th SW 32-7001, Exterior Lighting Management.
Questions regarding the requirements of the instruction or concerns relating to sea turtles and lighting should be directed to the 45th SW Civil Engineer Installation Management Flight at 321-853-6822/6858.